The Backyard Chiclets, Children's Books, Children's Toys, Kids Books, Kids toys, Children's backpacks, kids bookbags, Learn about backyard chicks, my first back yard chickens, How to build a backyard chicken coop, Children's clothing, Kids T-shirts, Children's T-shirts, Chickens, Types of chicken's, Best chickens to have in a backyard, Children's activity books, educational books for kids, educational books for children ages 2-7, educational books for children, Learn to trace letters, worksheets for kids, worksheets for children,
baby onesies, water bottles for kids, water bottles for children Chicken on a sckateboard

Kalysa gets to spend her days teaching chiclets technology while writing funny books to fill her inner silliness.
Favorite Things:
1. My kids
2. My mom
3. My chickens
4. Hazelnut coffee...Mmm
5. The ocean
6. Blueberry pie and vanilla icecream

About the Author
{ When Life gives you
Lemons - eat blueberry Pie a la mode }